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- setup
- {
- scale 1.0
- path models/fx/dummy
- skelmodel dummy2.skd
- }
- init
- {
- server
- {
- }
- client
- {
- //cache some stuff used in this effect
- cache bhole_metal.spr // cache the bullet hole shader
- cache bh_metal_spark.spr
- cache models/fx/bh_metal_fastpiece.tik
- cache corona_util_colorable.spr
- // sparky spark
- sfx originspawn
- (
- model bh_metal_spark.spr
- model ""
- model ""
- count 2
- alpha 0.5
- angles 0 0 random 360
- life 0.05 0.1
- scale 0.3
- scalerate 6
- fade
- )
- sfx originspawn
- (
- model corona_util_colorable.spr
- model ""
- model ""
- count 1
- life .1
- scale .25
- color 1 1 .5
- fade
- )
- // teeny tiny dynamic light
- // sfx blockdlight 8 0.05 additive
- // (
- // color 0.5 0.4 0.3
- // colorvelocity -0.5 -0.5 -0.5
- // scalerate -0.6
- // )
- // quickly dissapearing sparks
- sfx originspawn
- (
- model models/fx/bh_metal_fastpiece.tik
- alpha 0.5
- // offsetalongaxis random 3 crandom 1 crandom 1
- count 5
- align
- velocity 150
- randvelaxis random 100 crandom 200 crandom 200
- accel 0 0 -800
- life 0.05 0.2
- scalemin 0.8
- scalemax 1.4
- scalerate -1.0
- // fadedelay 0.1
- )
- // slightly delayed, quickly dissapearing sparks
- delayedsfx 0.1 originspawn
- (
- model models/fx/bh_metal_fastpiece.tik
- alpha 0.5
- // offsetalongaxis random 3 crandom 1 crandom 1
- count 5
- align
- velocity 150
- randvelaxis random 100 crandom 200 crandom 200
- accel 0 0 -800
- life 0.05 0.2
- scalemin 0.8
- scalemax 1.4
- scalerate -1.0
- // fadedelay 0.1
- )
- // small bit of lingering smoke
- sfx originspawn
- (
- volumetric
- model bulletimpact // sets the type of smoke
- life 10 // amount of smoke
- scale 1.5 // radius
- alpha 0.2 // density
- color 0.8 0.8 0.8 // RBG color of the smoke
- velocity 2 // base velocity away from the surface
- randvelaxis random 6 0 0 // velocity offset
- offsetalongaxis random 20 crandom 4 crandom 4 // positional offset
- // collision // turn on collision detection
- spritegridlighting
- )
- }
- }
- // This section is just needed to be a valid tiki file
- animations
- {
- idle dummy2.skc
- }